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The Great Pause

We have entered what seems to be a period of re-balancing – a reset. The world around us is shutting down in response to a virus that began in China 5 months ago and is now spreading around the globe. Businesses have closed (some for good) and industries are grinding to a halt as we are told to isolate and quarantine ourselves to slow the spread.

In this time of uncertainty nobody knows what happens next. It is uncomfortable. There is death and there is fear.

Many have yet to figure out how they will pay the next round of bills and our lauded nation, with its lauded institutions, is showing itself to be wholly unequal to the task at hand. In a matter of days the entire human race found itself scrambling to fully grasp a new reality which is unlike anything we’ve ever known.

And yet, each morning the birdsong still heralds the rising of the sun.

The lungs of the earth expand with a little more ease now that the constant pumping of exhaust has been interrupted. The earth and her creatures carry on and thrive when we are forced to slow down and.. p a u s e.

It is we humans, foolishly thinking ourselves masters over all, who will have to adapt and learn a way that is more thoughtful of our neighbors and the impact our actions carry.

Yesterday, as I sat and watched the trees in the back woods sway, I received this message: ‘You will all need to learn to live as one like we do – helping each other, communicating with each other, living as one system – Interconnected.’

And so I believe this time is a blessing if you choose to see it as such.

It is Spring in the northern hemisphere; a time of rebirth and renewal. With the interruption of the status quo, many people are feeling the urge to simplify and become more self sufficient. For the first time in my 38 years of life, I have experienced the wonder that is putting a seed in the earth and watching in amazement as a new little life stretches up to the sun some days later. Truly, this is a kind of magic.

In this time of uncertainty I am reminded again that the Earth heals and the Earth provides.

When you are feeling uncertain, go outside and observe her — tend her. I promise you will come away with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.

May we all be very mindful in the days ahead – centered in our hearts and connected to the wonder of the living world around us.