Nourishing Breast Oil

Nourishing Breast Oil

from $24.00

What if, instead of fearfully searching for lumps once a month, we begin a practice of mindful self-massage that is aided by healing herbs and empowered by the knowledge of our bodies and the certainty of our worth?

What if we begin to rewrite the stories we tell ourselves about these beautiful breasts of ours and instead of judging them in the way that society tells us to, we see them as perfect centers of intuition, nourishment, and our very own pleasure and desire?

This is part of the framework of the Wise Woman Tradition and I formulated my Nourishing Breast Oil to facilitate this practice for myself. It has been formulated using plants long-revered for their ability to nourish the skin, encourage lymphatic circulation and dissolve cysts and lumps. It is a supreme ally for those wanting to take their health into their own hands and develop a practice of loving self care and lymphatic massage.

Contains: Violet, redroot, red clover, sheep sorrel, organic olive oil, distilled spirits & water, essential oils of rosemary & lavender. For external use only.

❂ Red Clover : (Trifolium pratense) Builds and alkalinizes the blood, assists the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of waste products & toxins. Used externally to support the lymphatic system and clear congested or swollen glands and relieve mastitis.

❂ Violet: (Viola sororia) Supports healthy breast tissue and lymphatic flow, used externally to dissolve cysts, lumps and fibrotic tissues in the breasts.

❂ Red Root : (Ceanothus velutinus) High in tannins and astringent, red root tones and tightens tissues, and improves blood and lymph flow.

❂ Sheep Sorrel : (Rumex acetosella) Used externally to dissolve cysts.

+All plant material organic or ethically wildcrafted.+

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Consult expert medical advice before using during pregnancy. Keep out of the reach of children.

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